CLARENVILLE AREA CONSUMERS CO-OP      TEL: 709.466.2622        GAS BAR TEL: 709.466.3906

Watermelon Queen 2016

The Watermelon Queens visit on Friday July 19th 2016 was a huge success! Kids from several local summer camp programs all gathered at the store for a fun filled afternoon. Unfortunately, due to a flight delay the queen arrived to the event late. To pass time until her arrival we set up apple bobbing tables and provided the kids with chalk, skipping ropes and bubbles! Upon her arrival the queen met with kids and parents, took photos, and handed out stickers, pictures and even autographs to the kids before starting the watermelon eating contest. Snacks of hot dogs, water, juice and of course watermelon cakes and treats were available throughout the event. You can view photos from the event on our Facebook page. We’d like to thank the Watermelon Queen for taking the time to visit our store and send out a congratulations to the lucky winner of our watermelon eating contest Carson Dover!


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Clarenville Area Consumers Co-op
238 Memorial Drive, Clarenville, NL
Tel: 709.466.2622
Gas Bar Tel: 709.466.3906